Arsenal Profile - Anthony Manfredi

Name: Anthony Manfredi
IG Handle: @thatmanfredi
Location: Orlando, FL

1. What Arsenal Class year are you?

- 2021

2. Socks with Crocs, yes or no?

- it would be weird without socks

3. If you are bonking on a long run or ride, what is your "gas station go-to?"

- coke energy and a snickers

4. Name your three favorite pizza toppings (and pineapple doesn't count):

- Pepperoni, black olives, banana peppers

5. What is your favorite part of being a Ridge Supply Arsenal Member?

- hearing the great stories

6. Pick three destinations (or events) you'd like to go run or ride that you have never been:

- Rotorua mtb park, The Cape Epic, The Rift Gravel Race

7. Do you have a quote that motivates you in life or in sport?

- of course "ride as much or as little, as long or as short as you feel. But ride" Eddy Merckx

8. What music is on your playlist right now that you wouldn't normally admit to?

- Kiiara

9. After a day out running or riding, what is the first thing you are grabbing out of the refrigerator?

- anything I can eat that doesn't require cooking lol

10. What is something interesting about you that wouldn't come up in normal conversation?

- I owned and operated my own business at 24